About cTalk TV

Crosstalk Migokes

The cTalk (Crosstalk) TV talk-show was founded by 3 brothers: Peter, James and John. The idea really stemmed from several conversations that ensue whenever we have a social hangout or game night sessions with friends. There was always something controversial to talk about; from a recent news event, to issues dealing with morals and culture or just daily societal issues that we all mostly struggle with on a daily basis.

These discussions turned out to be very meaningful, especially because everyone leaves more informed about the issues discussed. This is where the idea of cTalk TV came about.

After lots of planning and brainstorming, we decided to create this platform for the youth and young adults to have meaningful discussions, share real life lessons, opinions, and experiences; thereby promoting a spirit of understanding, communication and involvement. The goal is to bridge the communication, cultural, and generational gaps.

The cTalk TV talk-show features a panel of 4 – 6 carefully selected, and diverse personalities discussing current events, relationships, friendships, culture, contemporary issues, family, celebrity, as well as other trending topics.