• Can your spouse have a best friend of the opposite sex?
  • What are your do’s and dont’s if your spouse has a friend of the opposite sex?
  • Would you have sex before marriage?
  • If both you and your fiance have your separate houses before marriage, who should move after marriage?
  • Would you snoop in your partner’s phone if you believed they were hiding something?
  • Would you snitch if you found out your sibling was cheating?
  • Would you snitch if you found out your dad has a child out of wed-lock?
  • Whose job is it to raise the child?
  • The relationship is great, the sex is good, great conversations, but he doesn’t want to commit?
  • Should you partner have a right to ask for your phone?
  • How do you split responsibilities and bills in a marriage?
  • What would you do if your parent doesn’t like your boyfriend/girlfriend of 2 years?
  • What would you do if your partner doesn’t want kids, but you do?
  • Do people really cheat by mistake?


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