This topic spurred lots of discussions on the weight religion has in a relationship. The conversation then took a drastic turn into the question - "Who is the head of the household?"

If you and your significant other shared different faiths before you met, which faith would you raise your kids in? Would making your significant other convert to your religion spearhead your focus? Or would it even matter if you practiced two different religions? Some of the cast members showed just how important these topics were to them and things got a little fired up to say the least.

So what constitutes a deal breaker? For Jane it was an overly religious man and for Uzo it was the thought of being judged for staying home Sundays to watch football rather than going to church. Does the secret to navigating a relationship involving two separate religions simply lie in the rules of respect and knowing your boundaries while being open to celebrating both religions? As Chika stated, “is faith really just faith and are we still serving one God at the end of the day?

Some may believe that if both parties are pretty moderate in their religion then it might work but if you both are pretty religious and hardcore into your separate faiths, things could get a little rocky. Each faith has its own core values and the experiences of serving two different masters comes into play. What happens when family gets involved? And will you be strong enough to deal with the possible family input or backlash from marrying someone of a different faith? Will you love them enough to put up with these outside opinions? Chika says: “it depends on your strength and just how much you love that person“.

What makes the man the head of the household? Would it be based on societal beliefs, or our respective religious texts? The conversation then became a question of what does the bible say and are we going to follow the words that have been here before us or adopt a new more modernized family leadership structure?

And if you cant live up to those things as a man, do you then have to relinquish your title? Some argued that both the man and the woman cannot lead at the same time. Peter argued that the man is the head of the household but not in an authoritative way but rather a way in which respect is at the center and both parties make decisions together.

Although there was a lack in opinions from those practicing other religion outside of Christianity, the cast of the show still brought forth a spectrum of valid opinions.

Kofo Amokomowo

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